Press release, February 04, 2022

Bavaria and the UAE intensify their partnership in the field of energy technology – hydrogen is one of the cooperation’s central themes

During a delegation trip to Dubai, the Free State of Bavaria and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) agreed on close cooperation in the field of climate and energy policy. For that purpose, Bavaria’s State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Roland Weigert, and Mariam al-Mheiri, Minister for Climate Change and the Environment and Special Representative of the UAE for the Federal Republic of Germany, signed a joint declaration of intent. Bavaria and the United Emirates aim at expanding their economic relations – great opportunities for cooperation lie especially within the energy sector with a focus on hydrogen technologies. The Hydrogen Center Bavaria (H2.B) is accompanying the trip, which also includes several companies from the Hydrogen Alliance of Bavaria.

Dr. Fabian Pfaffenberger, Managing Director of the H2.B: “We can only tackle climate change through international cooperation. The Bavarian-Emirati partnership is an important step towards establishing international value chains in the field of hydrogen. The United Arab Emirates will play an important role in the future as a supplier of blue and green hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives. Bavaria and the UAE can benefit enormously from this economic and technological partnership. Bavarian companies and research institutions can apply their know-how to support the UAE on the path to climate neutrality and supply the technology to produce green and blue hydrogen. The hydrogen produced in the UAE can then in turn be imported to Germany to meet the local demand.”

State Secretary Roland Weigert: “Bavaria and the United Arab Emirates are high-tech economies. Together we are successful in many highly dynamic areas of the future. Our expert trip to Abu Dhabi and Dubai last October has already enabled us to sound out key topics for a deeper partnership. During our visit, we will specifically bring together Bavarian and Emirati companies and institutions. I am very pleased to expand the stable partnership between Bavaria and the United Arab Emirates with Minister Mariam al-Mheiri. We share the conviction that this transformation holds enormous opportunities to accelerate innovation and achieve economic and ecological progress. That is why we have defined the strategic future areas of our cooperation in the declaration.”

The delegation will be in Dubai from 2 to 5 February 2022 and consists of State Secretary Weigert, the members of the Bavarian State Parliament Walter Nussel (CSU) and Annette Karl (SPD) and the H2.B Managing Director Dr. Fabian Pfaffenberger, as well as numerous companies and business associations. Representatives of these partners of the Hydrogen Alliance Bavaria are participating in the delegation trip: BayWa, GP Joule, Gustav Klein, Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies, ILF Consulting, Linde, MT Aerospace and SFC Energy.

Image sources: © StMWi/E. Neureuther, H2.B/Dr. F. Pfaffenberger

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Paula Kopp

Manager Public Relations
+49 (0) 911 5302-99237