Meeting on Future Green Hydrogen Offtake

MUNICH – On September 25th, more than 75 high-ranking representatives of ministries, industry and transmission system operators from Algeria, Tunisia, Austria, Italy, Germany as well as the EU Commission and other organizations met at the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs for the first “Meeting on Future Green Hydrogen Offtake” along the planned SoutH2Corridor.

The event was hosted by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy (StMWi) and was organized together with the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), the German Energy Agency (dena) and the Hydrogen Center Bavaria (H2.B).

During the event which was moderated by Ellen von Zitzewitz (BMWK) and Dr. Fabian Pfaffenberger (H2.B), the invited participants talked and discussed about the necessary political and financial framework conditions, the hydrogen demand in the industry and the current status of the planned pipeline project.

The closed event, which consisted of a roundtable and subsequent B2B discussions, was attended by a wide range of key industry players from Algeria, Tunisia, Austria, Italy and Germany: TSOs (SoutH2Corridor Consortium), hydrogen traders, future bulk buyers, technology providers, project developers, as well as high-level representatives from the Algerian National Company for Hydrocarbon Research, Production, Transport, Processing and Marketing (SONATRACH).

This first meeting was an important milestone towards the realization of the Southern Corridor, which consists of four planned national PCI projects in Bavaria, Austria in Italy as well as another planned PMI project to connect the corridor to Tunisia and Algeria.

Photo credits: StMWI/Gottardi, H2.B