Press release, June 10

Visit of the Innovation Representative “Green Hydrogen” Dr. Stefan Kaufmann

  • Hydrogen Representative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) informs himself at the H2.B about hydrogen activities in Bavaria
  • Visit of the research laboratories located at the Energy Campus Nuremberg

NUREMBERG On July 30th , the Innovation Representative “Green Hydrogen” of the BMBF, Dr. Stefan Kaufmann, visited the Hydrogen Center Bavaria (H2.B) and the Energy Campus Nuremberg. The government’s “Mister Hydrogen”, who was appointed in June, is visiting numerous hydrogen players in Germany in the upcoming weeks to inform himself about their activities and technological developments. One of the first stops shortly after his inauguration as Innovation Representative was the Hydrogen Center Bavaria. During his five-hour stay, Dr. Kaufmann was able to obtain an overview of the political and economic activities in the field of hydrogen as well as the technological and economic core competencies of Bavaria. The position paper and the activities of the Bavarian Hydrogen Alliance were also presented. In addition, several research laboratories at the Energy Campus Nuremberg, which are directly or indirectly concerned with hydrogen, were jointly visited.

“The Hydrogen Center Bavaria is an important competence center for hydrogen”, said Dr. Kaufmann. “It was a good decision to locate H2.B in the Nuremberg region, which already has a high level of research and technological competence with the Energy Campus Nuremberg”.

For a quick rollout of the hydrogen economy, a joint interaction of activities at is of utmost importance. Networking with central players, such as the Innovation Representative for “Green Hydrogen” Dr. Kaufmann, is an important component thereof. The Center Hydrogen Bavaria bundles the hydrogen activities of the Free State of Bavaria and specifically seeks to exchange with other actors at German state, national and EU level.

About the Hydrogen Center Bavaria (H2.B) and the Hydrogen Alliance Bavaria

In accordance with the founding event of H2.B, the Bavarian State Government also concluded the Bavarian Hydrogen Alliance with central players of a future hydrogen economy. Currently, more than 80 alliance partners from industry, science, associations and municipalities have declared their contribution to strengthening and expanding Bavaria’s technological competence in the field of innovative hydrogen technologies and support the activities of the Hydrogen Center Bavaria.

A first milestone of the Bavarian Hydrogen Alliance was the development of a position paper on the Bavarian hydrogen economy as a basis for the Hydrogen Strategy of the Free State of Bavaria. This process was coordinated by the Hydrogen Center Bavaria (H2.B) and ended with the publication of the position paper on May 29th. Based on the position paper, the H2.B will now develop a hydrogen roadmap for Bavaria in association with the partners in the Bavarian Hydrogen Alliance.

Your contact for press and media

Fabian Pfaffenberger

Head of Public Relations

Tel: +49 (0) 911 5302-9229


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Photos: H2.B / EnCN / Alisa Zellner