Building Corridors for Green Hydrogen – Delegation trip to France and Spain led by Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger

France / Spain – Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger travelled to France and Spain from 24-27 September with 28 participants from business, science and politics. Prof Peter Wasserscheid (Board of Directors) and Carolin Reiser (Manager International Affairs) took part in the trip on behalf of H2.B. Both EU countries have great ambitions in the production of low-carbon hydrogen and play an important role in the use of hydrogen and the development of transport infrastructure. The delegation met high-ranking representatives from politics, science and business in Paris, Madrid and Seville. The trip focussed on expanding partnerships and exchanging knowledge. As part of various company visits and networking events, the participants were able to view both infrastructure and H2 generation projects on site and make important contacts.

The countries are important partners for the ramp-up of the Bavarian hydrogen economy, according to Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger: ‘Spain is in a favourable location for the production of green hydrogen. There is a lot of renewable energy, such as wind and sun, as well as many sparsely populated areas. At the same time, Spain is a country with great industrial expertise. This combination is an ideal prerequisite for the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy and a partnership with Bavaria, which will import a large proportion of the hydrogen required in the future. The energy and industrial partner France is also very interesting for Bavaria. The European H2Med project, the hydrogen pipeline from Portugal and Spain via France to Germany, is particularly groundbreaking. We must do everything we can to push ahead with the ambitious timetable for realisation by 2030.’

Prof. Peter Wasserscheid also emphasises that this exchange is essential: ‘France is an important partner in the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy, as shown by the many existing technology collaborations between French and Bavarian hydrogen players. Spain impresses with its enormous potential for renewable energies and the production of green hydrogen. The projects presented and visited on site made this very clear.’

The delegation met political representatives and numerous stakeholders from the French hydrogen industry at a networking reception at the German Embassy in Paris.

The participants also visited the French transport network operator GRTgaz, which will make a significant contribution to the expansion of the European Hydrogen Backbone with various pipeline projects. In future, a hydrogen pipeline is to connect the Iberian Peninsula with Germany via France using the GRTgaz pipelines (part of H2Med).

Also in Paris, the participants visited the Research & Innovation Centre for Energy (RICE) and the company site of HYVIA, a joint venture between the Renault Group and Plug, which manufactures commercial vehicles powered by fuel cells.

The delegation then travelled to Madrid for a hydrogen roundtable, where the participants were able to gain insights into Spanish politics and business and exchange ideas with hydrogen stakeholders.

In Puertollano, south of Madrid, the delegation then visited the Spanish company Iberdrola. Iberdrola operates Spain’s largest electrolyser with a capacity of 20 MW.

From Puertollano, the delegation then travelled to Seville for the last stop on their visit. Here, the Bavarian delegation met Andalusian representatives from the hydrogen industry and politics.

The trip was an important step for the essential future cooperation between France, Spain and Bavaria.

Pictures: Elke Neureuther / StMWi, Clarissa Roth / Bayern International

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Paula Kopp

Manager Public Relations
+49 (0) 911 5302-99237